Thursday, February 8, 2007

A little bit about me, I mean Pagan

I must have forgotten to take my Lithium this morning because my next post doesn't makes sense, even to me. I described this to my co-worker, who said it was like "Flowers for Algernon". What? Someone sent flowers? Are they for me?

I babble in my post about secrets and riddles. Something about Pagan keeping or spilling secrets. Secrets and Riddles. Who am I? Why am I here? Am I talking about Pagan or myself? Sometimes I think we're the same person. I wish I could be Pagan for just one day...

I'll just throw some random shit out there. Even though I already described a happy beach-bound foursome, now I'll say Pagan and Rob are married to each other. Or that they're the same person. Let's see what sticks. The masses are clamoring for red meat- I have to give them something or they'll stop coming to my site and then my stats will suffer.

Anyway, I'm really mad at Pagan for not coming to any of our cool Happy Hours. What, does she think she's better than me?

I wonder what she's doing right now...

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