Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Bigger Bitch Than Me

Bigger Bitch, of BEST DC Blog comment section fame, has launched a blog of her own, and boy does she bring the hate. Not even a day old, she's already attracted quite a fan base, judging by her own comment section.

Does she have another blog? Was she a bystander in the recent unpleasantness? Is she just new to our little corner of the world?

Whatever her story, I'm hooked.

I hope blogging doesn't cut into the time she spends hating at BEST DC Blog.


Anonymous said...

**SNIFFLE** thanks for the shout out and listening to me shout. I've been harboring all this vitriol for a long time, and you all gave me the courage to let it out. I will always be loyal to Best DC Blog, don't you worry.

And your post has made me a STAR. Thank you much. Someday let's tag-team BITCH!

Anonymous said...

that's 4 blogs you are doing now. you sure have a lot of free time

Anonymous said...

BB--Of course we will tag-team bitch! BEST DC Blog gives us plenty of grist.

Anon- are you talking to me, or Bigger Bitch, or someone else?